Admission & Tuition
Age Requirements and Toilet Training
Programs are currently being offered for children ages two through four years old. Children must turn two on or before September 30th to enroll in the program. All children enrolled in the three and four-year-old classes MUST be toilet trained. Children who depend on disposable training pants (or Pull-ups) are not considered to be toilet trained.
If a parent withdraws a child from the program, NO tuition will be refunded.
Class Days & Hours
Current classes are held Monday through Friday, September through May from 9:00am to 12:00pm. Drop off begins no earlier than 8:50am and students must be picked up by 12:00pm. Please be sure to consult the Hyde Park Weekday School calendar which will include all holidays, breaks and special events. If you have chosen the two-day option, your child may attend on Tuesday and Thursdays. If you have chosen the three-day option, your child may attend Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Due Date
Monthly tuition is to be paid on the 1st of each month. (September- May)
Check Payments
Checks should be made payable to Hyde Park Baptist Church with “Weekday School” and your child’s name on the memo line. Please be aware that there is a $36 returned check fee. If your check is returned, all remaining payment must be made in cash, cashier’s check, or money order.
Paying Online
Go to https://abundant.co/hydeparkbaptist/church
In the Memo line please put the month of tuition you are paying and child’s first and last name.
*All payments may be made on this link.
Tuition is charged for the month, not by the number of days your child attends in a month. Tuition will not be refunded due to vacation or sickness. However, if the school is closed for a reason beyond the control of the HPWS for an extended period in a given month, the HPWS Advisory Committee will make the decision as to offer a credit given on the tuition. If this situation should occur the credit will be applied to your account and should be used within 60 days. You should make the adjustment amount on your payment method (check or cash).
2025 – 2026 Tuition & Fees
$100.00 Registration Fee: Due by date of Registration (non-refundable)
$25.00 Supply Fee: Due by the first day of school
5 days per week $220.00 monthly
Late Fees
A late charge of $15.00 per child will be assessed if monthly tuition payment is received after the 10th of the month. Possible Dismissal may result if the tuition and $15.00 fee is not paid by the 15th of the month. HPWS will make every effort to work with a family should a financial crisis arise. Please see the HPWS Director to discuss the situation.